The Iron Duke, Wellington
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The Iron Duke, Wellington

PROBLEM: External balcony seating area required bird proofing from feral pigeons. This newly renovated building from the old town hall to a public house was located in an area of the town where there was a dense population of roosting feral pigeons.
Sanderson Construction Ltd. had been instructed by the client to have bird proofing measures installed to high risk areas. The external balcony seating area was situated by the resident population of feral pigeons on near by buildings.

SOLUTION: A pigeon netting system was installed to protect the entire balcony. Birdteq designed a bird proofing net solution. The bird netting dropped from below the roof gutter line down to the balcony leading edge. Fabricated stanchions were bolted into the ground floor wall so the net had clearance from the balcony glass screen wall which was set back from the balcony leading edge.
The guttering was proofed using stainless steel bird spiking fitted with specially designed clips.
The project was carried out during out of hours so not to disrupt with opening times.